The love affair with lawns comes at a cost. However, the move from chemically treated lawns to organic is becoming more common as many homeowners are becoming increasingly conscious of the hazards associated with pesticide use. Each year, more and more homeowners are switching to natural or organic lawn care treatments and methods that offer them a safer, more environmentally friendly choice. Consumer awareness about the health risks associated with exposure to pesticides has been the prime motivator behind why more and more municipalities have imposed tighter restrictions on the use of pesticides.


In the long term, an organic lawn will actually cost less money. Once established, an organic lawn program can result in savings of more than 25% compared to a conventional lawn care program. An organic program is based on building soil biology, which will, over time sustain the grass with minimal inputs. Initial costs may be more than a conventional lawn care program as one transitions from using synthetic fertilizer and chemical herbicides, but an organic lawn uses less water and fertilizers, and requires less labor for mowing and maintenance.

That being said, there is a general consensus out in the marketplace that consumers are willing to pay a premium, regardless of the reason why organic services cost more, simply because when it comes to their family’s health, the cost factor is irrelevant and price is the last determinant in the decision-making process.

Your customers need to know the benefits of investing their money in more environmentally safe methods of lawn care and gardening. With endless competition in the industry, trust is what separates us from our competition and creates a fiercely loyal customer base that shops based on value, relationship and not on price. Education is one of the fastest ways to create reciprocity—people love to feel informed—and educating your new and existing customers about the transition to organic lawn care will do that for them. Through education, you create the trust that every business needs to thrive and excel. You give them what they want—for free—and you deepen and expand a relationship that will last for years.

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