The controversy over the possible effects of neonicotinoids on pollinators can be overwhelming to digest. Since I have been interested in this topic for a long time, I have read my fair share of research. What I have concluded is simple, this is a complicated matter! 

The good news is that the lawn operators (you) have another option to control grubs without harming bees.

If you haven’t tried CedarCure from ICT Organics, it’s worth it. Acting as both a preventative and curative treatment to control grubs, apply this liquid to the soil and water in to lay in wait for grubs. CedarCure is not absorbed by plants so bees do not have any contact with it.  It also works on all species of white grubs at all stages of their life cycle.

Apply CedarCure at the labeled rate in late June as a preventative. It can also be applied in late August through early September to kill young instars.

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