The impact we have on our planet has become more apparent in recent decades, and consumers are not the only ones looking for more eco-friendly solutions. More businesses and municipalities are seeing the benefits of going green from both a moral and financial perspective, from minimizing the short and long-term risks to our health to meeting the growing demand for healthier solutions. But even when tree & turf care professionals search for alternatives to traditional chemical-based products, navigating the wholesale market can be challenging. There is no clear-cut definition of what healthy lawn care is, and while products are regulated, many of the businesses buying and distributing these products are not.

With that in mind, it’s crucial for lawn care professionals looking to invest in greener alternatives to do their research and due diligence early on. A key component of this is putting serious thought into building a relationship with the right wholesaler. 

Narrowing Down Your Options

One good way to get to know potential wholesalers and weed out the ones only seeking a profit is to see what they’re doing on their end to educate the community. Knowledge is power, and industry leaders and wholesalers who are truly passionate about protecting the environment will make it known. Look for any webinars, conferences, and trade shows they’re promoting, as well as what topics will be covered. 

Another thing you can check is how the wholesaler is positioning their products. Is their website drawing your eyes straight to price cuts and seemingly-empty promises, or are the products categorized thoughtfully? A strong wholesaler will sell you on their vision – not their products – and let money be a byproduct of the value they provide. For example: 

“Draycott realized Tech Terra Environmental could be of service to the green industry by becoming a single source for a wide range of natural products at manufacturer prices that would meet the needs of landscapers and lawn care providers.”

Legitimacy in the Landscaping Industry

You should also find out how knowledgeable of a source each potential wholesaler is for the products they’re distributing. Is the wholesaler providing specific information like product labels and testimonials that support the legitimacy of their partnerships? Can you see real-life examples of growth in the landscaping industry where the wholesaler played a key role? 

Last but not least, wait until your products come in, then see if you can replicate similar results. Of course, all landscapes are unique and various factors can alter how well a product will perform, like the season, climate, kind of plants being treated, and more. That being said, products like FIESTA® can deliver visible same-day results. So, if you don’t see a notable difference in your landscape in the timeframe promised, it might be a good time to rethink your approach. 

One of the most important aspects of starting or growing a business is choosing the right wholesaler to get your products from, and it’s not always easy. The good news? You can still reach great results while being more intentional with the relationships you’re investing in. With an open mind, the right wholesaler, and a shift away from conventional lawn care, you can achieve that lush lawn while minimizing the overall impact you’re having on the environment.

Tech Terra Environmental offers ecological solutions for tree and turf care professionals. We specialize in environmentally conscious application products to improve plant and soil health for lawn care providers, landscape contractors and municipalities & schools in the tree and turf care industry. Please call to speak to a specialist at 609.468.1905  

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