The challenges of turf management are numerous, yet this season has seen an exceptional surge in grub activity, creating unprecedented issues for landscaping professionals. As mature grubs relentlessly feed on grassroots, visible patches of thinning turf appear across lawns, a telltale sign of extensive root damage.

For landscapers and turf care experts, timing is critical, and right now is the perfect time to apply treatments like grubGONE! to tackle these problems before they cause further damage.

Why Take Action Now?

Landscapers know that a healthy lawn requires more than just watering and fertilizing. When grubs are active, as they are now, they can quickly become a threat, eating away at the roots that keep the grass healthy and vibrant. Once grubs damage these roots, the turf struggles to intake enough water and nutrients, leading to wilting, discoloration, and, in severe cases, complete lawn failure. A grub infestation can cause the grass to easily pull up from the ground, much like lifting a carpet. Reversing this damage can be costly and labor-intensive, often involving re-sodding or re-seeding.

By investing in an effective grub control product like grubGONE!, you can provide your customers with a sustainable, eco-friendly solution that not only halts grub damage but also saves on costly repairs down the line. grubGONE! is specially formulated to tackle mature grubs effectively from now through November, giving landscapers a window of opportunity to treat affected areas confidently.

The Benefits of Eco-Friendly Grub Control

Customers today are more eco-conscious than ever, seeking solutions that minimize environmental impact while still delivering results. As an organic product, grubGONE! meets the EPA’s strict standards for use on fruits and vegetables, making it a responsible choice for pest control. It’s also safe for various landscapes, including schools and community parks, where other chemical solutions may be restricted.

Using grubGONE! aligns with sustainable landscaping practices, promoting healthy turf while demonstrating a commitment to eco-friendly products. Unlike synthetic chemicals that may harm beneficial insects, grubGONE! specifically targets grubs without affecting earthworms, bees, or other pollinators. That means you can use it without fear of disrupting the delicate balance of the ecosystems you work hard to maintain.

Looking Below the Surface

Grubs can wreak unique damage on lawns by feeding on grassroots, weakening the foundation of turf health. This is particularly challenging because the effects are not always immediately visible.

Landscapers also hear from customers who report animal activity, such as digging from moles, skunks, or crows. While this may sometimes indicate grubs in the lawn, it’s not guaranteed because these animals also forage for various lawn insects, including beneficial earthworms, which are essential for soil health.

The best approach to identifying a grub infestation is to scout directly in the soil. By cutting a one-square-foot section of turf, you can lift the grass and check for grub presence. If you find more than ten grubs per square foot, you’re dealing with a serious infestation that requires immediate action.

An Additional Layer of Protection

Alongside grubGONE!, beetleGONE! offers another powerful tool for landscapers managing turf and landscape health. This bio-insecticide provides effective control over adult beetles such as Japanese, Asiatic, and Oriental beetles, all of which contribute to further landscape damage. Unlike other products that only target the early stages of beetle development, beetleGONE! also works in later stages, making it suitable for curative and preventative treatments.

What makes beetleGONE! particularly beneficial is its minimal impact on non-target species. Pollinators like bees and butterflies remain unharmed, as beetleGONE! only targets specific pest beetles. This precision prevents off-target damage while eliminating the risk of resistance build-up among beetle populations.

Essential Tools for Turf Health

Grub control is a necessary investment in the overall health of any lawn or landscape. After all, the benefits of a lush, green lawn extend beyond simple aesthetics; a healthy turf supports soil structure, prevents erosion, and contributes to the natural ecosystem.

The role of a landscaping professional is multifaceted, requiring knowledge, skill, and a commitment to delivering effective solutions. As a landscaping professional, you’re in a position to educate customers about the importance of grub control, emphasizing that early intervention can prevent costly repairs. In most garden centers, grub control products are prominently displayed for good reason. For landscapers, these are essential tools, just like fertilizer and grass seed.

The current surge in grub activity underscores the importance of staying proactive and well-equipped to handle turf pests. Products like grubGONE! and beetleGONE! offer landscapers the confidence to tackle these issues head-on, all while using environmentally conscious solutions.

Remember, every successful treatment you provide strengthens your reputation as a knowledgeable, responsible landscaping professional dedicated to maintaining healthy and beautiful lawns.

For any questions about grubs, contact us today!  Tech Terra Environmental

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