If you experience issues with grubs there is still time to order & apply ICT Organics CedarCure. This EPA Exempt Minimum Risk Pesticide is the answer to grub control! Your clients will be happy to hear that you are using a product that is safe for their kids and pets.
Category Archives: Industry News
The landscape industry is always at the mercy of weather conditions. This spring is no exception. We went from a cold late spring right into near summer conditions which is putting a lot of stress on new transplants. See Drought Monitor Map
Do you think our harsh winter killed many of the ticks? Researchers say that’s not the case. “Harsh Northeast Winter no hindrance to hungry ticks.”
Tech Terra Environmental specializes in turf programs for the lawn care industry. Over the years we have developed programs for hundreds of companies. Choosing products that are environmentally friendly is very important to us and we take great pride in the brands we choose. Our Summer / Fall cool season turf program has been developed […]
As you know we are big proponent of Healthy Soils = Healthy Lawns. There is a recent study by Kyle Wickings (Dept. of Entomology, Cornell Univ.) that states “While grub damage can be extensive,Kyle’s previous work in NY state has determined that roughly 80% of insecticide applications
NJLCA 2017 Magazine Article “What’s up with Organics” by Barry Draycott First off, I hate the term “organic” because it means different things to different people. Some say anything that contains Carbon is organic. This is true in chemistry but not in agriculture. The USDA National Organic Program sets very strict regulations on what can […]
Listen to Barry Draycott at the NJLCA webinar HERE “Branching Out Webinar: Natural Based Plant Health Care Programs for Turf and Ornamentals.”
There is one simple thing you can do to improve the results of liquid applications of pesticides and fertilizers. Use YUCCA! It will save your business money and provide your clients with healthier lawns and plants. Yucca extract is a natural surfactant that breaks up water droplets and allows water to spread out on leaf surfaces […]
Here’s a program to help your clients’ lawns recover. 1. Mowing. Mow high, 3-5” is best during the summer. Never cut more than 1/3 of the blade. Leave the clippings. 2. Irrigation. Water deeply and infrequently. This will help roots grow deeper in the ground. Do not irrigate early morning or late afternoon as this […]
This summer has been brutal for lawns in the Northeast due to weather conditions. We have a simple solution to bring your clients’ lawns back for next year! If you haven’t put your fall application programs together yet, no worries… we have an easy to follow application program. It will provide your turf with maximum […]