The love affair with lawns comes at a cost. However, the move from chemically treated lawns to organic is becoming more common as many homeowners are becoming increasingly conscious of the hazards associated with pesticide use. Each year, more and more homeowners are switching to natural or organic lawn care treatments and methods that offer […]
Category Archives: Industry News
It’s no secret that the market for environmentally friendly lawn care products and services is expanding, pushing the idea that it’s not enough for your grass to be green—it should be “green.” With spring in full force, the sustainable lawn care movement is spreading fast. For instance, this year New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection […]
“Whether we like it or not, we are quickly entering a biological age of turfgrass management where microbiological solutions are sought for biological problems. It is becoming more and more apparent that maintaining active microbial communities in turfgrass soils is a vital part of overall turfgrass health. Research to date clearly shows the potential to […]
9.16.14 Weed control is probably the most difficult part of landscape maintenance and the last thing we want to hear about is resistance to herbicides. This has been a big problem for years in agriculture and it costs the industry megabucks every year in lost crops and expensive new herbicides.