Author Archives: tte-admin
During the last fifty years, the landscape industry has become more and more dependent on the use of pesticides as the first choice of dealing with many problems. So much so that many of us have never learned other methods of creating and maintaining a healthy landscape. When I started out working for tree care […]
During the last fifty years, the landscape industry has become more and more dependent on the use of pesticides as the first choice of dealing with many problems. So much so that many of us have never learned other methods of creating and maintaining a healthy landscape. When I started out working for tree care […]
Lawn Care Professionals Get great results using Tech Terra Environmental’s complete lawn care line! McCoy Horticultural has found that the Branch Creek 10-0-2 pre-emergent has been an effective way to suppress crabgrass. As well, a fall application has shown that the Branch Creek 10-0-2 will also provide some control for Cardamine hirsuta (hairy bittercress). Additionally, […]
January 28-29,2020 TOTAL PRO EXPO Professional Landscape, Nursery & Hardscape VISIT OUR TTE BOOTH #371 When: January 28-29, 2020 Where: NJ Convention Center, Edison NJ Registration Details
TTE has been certified by Rutgers Cooperative Extension in Organic Land Care. NOFA Accredited Organic Land Care Professional NJ DEP Certificate