Barry Draycott, in a few words: cornerstone, mentor, and leader! Barry understood, long before many of us, the importance of what it means to be a steward of the land, the environment, and the ecosystems we work in.

Barry’s influence and service (distinguished service) to the green industry are undeniably invaluable and have transformed the trajectory of the NJ Green Industry and beyond. Others like me look forward to continuing the legacy Barry unknowingly set in motion some 30-plus years ago when he began his green industry journey.”

Richard A. McCoy / Richard A. McCoy Horticultural Services Inc.

McCoy Horticultural has found that the Branch Creek 10-0-2 pre-emergent has been an effective way to suppress crabgrass. As well, a fall application has shown that the Branch Creek 10-0-2 will also provide some control for Cardamine hirsuta (hairy bittercress). Additionally, the lower application rate is much more cost-effective than the original corn gluten formula and allows to balance manage our nitrogen inputs.

Richard McCoy / McCoy Horticultural Services

I just wanted to thank you for making hard to find organic products so easy. Instead of spending hours on the internet searching for products, all I have to do is pick up the phone and call. Now I have more time to work on other things in my business. I appreciate the recommendations you have made. My clients and I are very happy with the results. Their properties look awesome with fewer weed, insects, and disease problems. When my clients are happy, I am happy! Thanks for making my life easier!

David Scarinci / NaturalScape, Inc.

“We have been using Cedar Cure and Mosquito cure in combination for control of Ticks and Mosquitos for years. We have 100’s of clients who re-sign season after season. We run an organic programs with happy clients and proven success in the field.” 

Carl Brodeur / Arborcare with Ropes 'n Saddles Inc

Barry has been extremely helpful in facilitating our district’s change over to organic lawn care and in recommending a lawn care professional who I still use today.  Barry has made several site visits to the district over the past two years and is genuinely interested in the success of our program. Barry has an extensive knowledge of not only organic lawn care but lawn care in general. I have attended several seminars since first meeting Barry have learned something new every time. Barry is one of the few vendors I have met who really care about the products he sells and how well they work.

I would highly recommend Barry Draycott and Tech Terra Environmental to anyone interested in implementing an organic lawn care program or just improving their lawn in general.

Mark McNamara C.E.F.M. / Point Pleasant Beach Board of Education

I have confidently used Tech Terra Environmental as the exclusive supplier and advisor for my company’s natural and organic landscaping products…It was a welcome surprise to see the incredible results the Compost Tea provided us with when applied to the foliage.

Also, with proper plant placement and planting procedures and the use of TTE’s products, we have been successful in guaranteeing our plants for three years.

Richard McCoy / McCoy Horticultural Services

On a scale of 1-10, we rate CLARUS Proâ„¢ 16-2-3 Screamin’ Green® at 9.5. We want our customers’ lawns to be the greenest on the block and Screamin’ Green provides those results!

Keith Johnson / Lawn Doctor of West Little Rock

I have been doing business with Tech Terra for four years, their products are superb and they work!!!!! Barry has answered all my concerns in a timely fashion. Great person to do business with and has a great product. My company only deals with organics and I am so glad I found Barry and his company.

Starlet Braden / Roots to Shoots

I have used other semi organic products in the past and they worked ok but not nearly as good as the

CLARUS Proâ„¢ 16-2-3 Screamin’ Green®. I actually get most of my new work from people that can see our lawns that we maintain and how good that they look as compared to the other lawns on the street. They are greener and hold up to drought better and longer than other lawns. I also notice that my lawns stay greener longer. We probably don’t even have to apply some applications because my lawns look like they were just fertilized. We put it down because its in the contract. I use 6 pallets per application so I have a pretty good basis for comparison. Plus, its semi organic which customers like to hear these days.”

Joe Incardona / Waldwick Landscape Co.

We have used Tech Terra Environmental as a supplier and consultant for our Eco-friendly lawn care company for 2 years. Barry has helped our company establish a reputation for quality while using Tech Terra’s products. Barry’s customer service is excellent and we always get a response quickly. Barry’s green industry and organic product knowledge is superior in the industry. Thank you. We wouldn’t be experiencing positive results without your help.

Mark Williams / Precise Ventures

I use CLARUS Proâ„¢ 16-2-3 Screamin’ Green® and swear by that fert! You want results and a healthier soil, put a couple rounds down and you will see the results. Barry introduced that product line a couple years ago and I would not think about using anything else. Try it out for a season, what do have to loose? Just about all of my customers are still a very nice deep green color compared to the surrounding houses that I do not care for, that’s the proof.

Eric Larson / Green Systems

We have used CLARUS Proâ„¢ 16-2-3 Screamin’ Green® and other ferts for a couple seasons now and the results are great. I started off with one pallet of Screamin Green to try out and now we are increasing each year as we implement on other properties. It’s fertilizer with bio solids. It works and is worth trying out. They are good people to work with as is Barry.”

David Weerts / Voice of God Recordings

After working with you these past several years, and using a variety of the soil care products which you sell and service, I am happy to say that our relationship has been a successful one.

Gerald Posner / Almstead Tree & Shrub Care Company

I am writing to thank you for introducing your Worm Gold product to us this year…I do not believe every product they put out on the market today, but after using Worm Gold I can see there is a definite benefit!

John Reiter / The Brickman Group, Ltd.

Thank you for introducing me to the Worm Casting Compost Tea Biology. I was certainly skeptical at first but your product has certainly made me a believer.

Kevin M. Fenning / Ehrich & Ehrich Nursery

After using your product for the past 3-4 months, I give it the ‘Big Thumbs Up!’ …I have noticed a substantial difference in root growth and overall health in the plant in general.

Glenn McElyea / Lipinski Landscape Irrigation, Inc.

As another season comes to a close, I wanted to make sure I thanks you for a successful rotation of seasonal colors…In addition, using your fish emulsions, sea kelp and tea blends assisted in promoting positive growth and soil biology…

Wade Donaway / MOON Site Management

This is the third year that we have been using Worm Gold in conjunction with the LCS, LC12 and fish emulsions…by amending the soil, we have cut down the amount of replacements by nearly 50%; that’s huge!

Glenn McElyea / Lipinski Landscape Irrigation, Inc.

My personal garden has been nourished with Worm Gold since spring of 2005 and has been flourishing, especially my tomato harvest! …I highly encourage any newcomers to try Worm Gold!

Pepper de Turo / Woodwinds Environmental Health Services

I love that stuff, Finesse GVH Worm Castings Compost, started using it in 2015 and that seems to be the best bagged fertilizer I have every used, the color is great and the grass just thickens up.

Kevin Wengernuk / President & Founder of KW Landscaping INC

We started using Finesse GVH Worm Castings Compost in the Spring of 2015.  Barry said it would take a year or so to start creating better soil but we are already seeing improvement in those lawns this Spring.  The color is better and the plants look stronger and healthier.  We are anxious to see how they hold up through the Summer compared to the lawns that did not receive this application.

Barb Hill / Lawn Doctor

I’ve been looking at trees and shrubs struggle with poor cultural problems; wind, water, heat and drought. What I recommend to my customers is pretty simple. Expose root collars, fertilize, proper trimming and finally treat for specific pathogens. ICT Organics 1-2-3 Tree is one of the products that goes into every tank. The plant materials on my customer’s homes look great. Barry at Tech Terra Environmental is becoming a big part of that.

Colin Milde / Ramapo Tree, Mahwah, New Jersey

I must say I love Clarus Pro Screamin’ Green fertilizer. It gives a great dark green color that lasts, and the product very nicely without clogging.

Mike Churchill / EcoLawn

I think that Nutrients PLUS products are great. The color is good and lasts. The Nutrients PLUS Cavalcade did a good job in spite of the weather conditions this year.

Barb Hill / Lawn Doctor of Landsdale